Welcome To My Homepage

this is me




HI everyone,welcome to my web site.

I am now 10 years old and love to hang with friends and family.

I am working on many things this summer.One is singing.I also do some modeling.In these pages I will be showing you LOTS of pictures.Then that way you can see what i am all about.


a little more

I also like going to Orlando...Its one of my favorite places to go.There is so much to do over there and it is so neat at night sometimes we just drive around to see everything.

I like doing pageants and I also like sports...i have been in karate,and played soccer for three years.

I am very active in school,I have won many awards,some of which is the honor roll and won medals in sports.  I am also on my gymnastics team at school,this yea as of 2006/7 school year I am in the chorus calss as well.



this is my family